{Mirjam Körner} Web Developer*

Portfolio Concept

Since March 2016 I am learning Ruby on Rails with the lovely coaches at the study group from the RubyMonstas.
From April until July 2016 I was attenting the Android study jam from Women Techmakers Berlin and with great help from the mentors there I was building my first Android app which is called lucky diary.
In August 2016 I went to the University of Bremen to learn about Web Development and Linux amongst a lot of other cool stuff.

About Mira »

Project Goals

Since I am doing the Web Developer Course at Career Foundry only for 3 months and there are 6 achievements to accomplish, I will have 2 weeks for one achievement. Deadlines for each achievement:

  • Responsive Website: 28th of October 2016
  • Interactive Website: 11th of November 2016
  • Basic Rails Web App: 25th of November 2016
  • Dynamic Rails Web App: 9th of December 2016
  • Consumer Web App: 23rd of December 2016
  • Production Ready Web App: 6th of January 2017

Work Portfolio »

Course Goals

I am going to change careers. Coming from the humanities (It’s not a bug, it’s a feature) with great knowledge of foreign languages to work as a web developer with different programming languages.

Contact Info

Questions »

About Mira


Hello! My name is Mirjam Körner, but everyone is calling me Mira, which I like much better.

hands on computer


  • fast reader
  • podcast maker
  • motorcycle rider

My coding story

I always wanted to learn programming and since beginning of the year 2016 I make it for real.


First I started to learn some Ruby, because a lot of people told me, it is a good way to start coding. I am still going to the weekly meetups, learning every time something new and enjoying the great community.


Then I thought it would be nice to look at mobile app development. I attended an Android study jam and created my very first own app from scratch. After presenting it my app got a price for being one of the best three apps from our study jam.

Summer School

Right after that I went to a summer school from the University of Bremen, where I could dive deeper into coding, since I am having so much fun.

Career Foundry

And now in October 2016 I am learning how to programm in a professional way with the web development course from Career Foundry. This feels like a very exciting journey.


I am really excited to show off my skills in programming on this website! I am learning how to build static, responsive and interactive websites. I am going to build them with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. Looking forward to dive deeper into coding!

Work Portfolio

If you are curious to learn more about my projects, just click on an image:

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out my curriculum vitae

Here are all the questions you always wanted to ask a web developer*:

And of course you will find the answers here as well.

Knowing the skills to develop my own webpage is like owning digital super powers. I have always felt that I do my best job and that I am happiest in my work when I'm being challenged. In an industry like this, with new tools, frameworks, and standards coming out every now and then, it is easy to feel that way. I think the key to be satisfied with the job is to always be learning, and I know I wil never run out of things to learn here.
Since I am dependable, self-motivated, cooperative, and an effective communicator, I work best on a team.
One of the basic features for developing great websites is a code editor. I really like to use Sublime text, since it is well-designed and efficient. Another great help are the Google Developer Tools in order check my code, for example to check and optimize the loading flows. Last but not least it is very important to have a good version control system like GitHub.
I think it is important to have both: a job I love and like to go to creating awesome websites, a spare time I could spend with lovely friends and always learning something new. Also I guess both areas are deeply connected to each other: the work shapes the life, and a healthy balance will keep me inspired for both.
I would like to get to know better JavaScript and jQuery, also dive deeper into understanding CSS classes and what I could do with them. For my home place I am going to build a media server using Rasperry Pi. After all I am generally interested in robotics and curious to learn more about that field in my free time down the line.
I loved to watch the last Star Trek movie. Especially the character Jaylah impressed me alot. When it comes to books it is really hard to decide, because I love reading and normally I read more than one book at a time. But one I can definately recommand Bronnie Ware: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Despite of the depressing title it is a very encouraging book to look at the important things in life.

Contact Information

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